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Updated by Claudia Corrigan D'Arcy on Apr 23, 2020
Headline for The Adoption Lists: Oxygen's I'm Having Their Baby
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The Adoption Lists: Oxygen's I'm Having Their Baby

The Oxygen Network's New Show "I'm Having Their Baby" has caused quite a commotion in the adoption community. The controversy isn't in the telling of potential birthmother adoption stories, but the lack of real truth provided to viewers and these mothers. Expectant mothers considering adoption should not be exploited for entertainment value. Birthparents, adopted persons and adoptive parents have much to say.


[Birth Mother,] First Mother Forum: 'I'm Having Their Baby' turns into 'I'm keeping MY baby'

I'm Having Their Baby is yet example of how a thriving business (adoption) can spawn one television show after another, especially when around every corner is someone searching for their 15 minutes of fame, even if 13 of them are spent in tears.

Caitriona Palmer: No returning to 'normal' life for women after giving up babies

After eight years living in the United States, I thought I had become inured to the absurdity of American reality television. Until last week, while on a whim, I flicked on the remote and tuned into Oxygen Channel's controversial reality show, 'I'm Having Their Baby'.

Daily Kos: "I'm Having Their Baby".

I have never liked the Oxygen channel, but this right here just made outright despise it.

Read on to find out why.

Monika's Musings: Oxygen's "I'm Having Their Baby"

That title implies that those women really have no choice in the matter. It implies that these women will relinquish their children and "move on" with their lives because their babies are with their "real" families. It implies that these parents are just vessels to place these children where they're really supposed to grow up. It perpetrates every evil adoption stereotype of birth parents in general out there. The title of the show causes shudders to course through my body because of the negative stereotypes associated with the terminology used.

Musings of the Lame: Life as a Birthmother: The Adoption Lists: Oxygen's I'm Having Their Baby

The Oxygen Network's New Show "I'm Having Their Baby" has caused quite a commotion in the adoption community. Expectant mothers considering adoption should not exploited for entertainment value.

New Reality Show, I'm Having Their Baby, Falls Short | BlogHer

There were some good things, there were lots of bad things and, when it comes down to it, adoption reform now needs to encompass the way "reality" shows portray adoption, because they sure aren't doing our efforts any favors.

One Option Means No Choice: I don't need Oxygen

Absolutely one of the best revealing of the reality of the adoption world I have seen on a blog. The story does not stop here, there are horror stories about child stealing, coercion, mothers being told their baby died, when it was alive, and it goes on and on and on for the sake of a dollar, and the egos of those who are willing to pay for a child.

One Option Means No Choice: The Walking Wombs

A stone faced counselor sits next to a sobbing young mother who had just given birth less than 48 hours earlier. The counselor is holding the paperwork that will forever legally sever this mother's connection to her baby. As the mother is crying the counselor says "Are you feeling a little bit emotional about your adoption plan?" A little bit emotional?! At this point I wanted to throw my laptop through the picture window in my living room.

"She's Only The Birth Mother": Boycott Oxygen and Their new show "I'm Having Their Baby"

This series claims to show the adoption process from the viewpoint of the "birthmother" but cleverly and subtly places pro-adoption propaganda throughout the episode.

Out of curiosity, I did watch a preview episode today and was disgusted when I saw the look of disappointment and anger on the adoption counselor's face when the mother told her she had decided to parent after giving birth.
Not to mention, the name of the show? How degrading to First Mothers and our children!

The Daily Bastardette: I'm Having Their Baby: Bowling for Babies Redux

Oxygen Network's new voyeur docu where titillated couch consumers and Snooki fans get to watch adoption agents and their clueless customers, ie PAPs, vie for the attention and ultimate product of pregos in trouble and need of social engineering.. There's not been such an uproar in AdoptionLand since Orphan hit the big screen when adoption agents, their industrial hangers-on, Christian orphan savers, politicians, paps and adopters hit the keyboards over Hollywood's "destruction of adoption." Bastards and birthers found the whole business amusing.

The Declassified Adoptee: Oxygen's "I'm Having Their Baby:" Oh Look, Another Show I Won't Watch!

I find the title of this show much more loathsome than any other that has gone before it. It reduces expectant mothers as though they are some sort of service for someone else. In reality, they are expectant mothers who are expecting a child that will be born to them. It is then that they must make the decision of whether or not to parent.

Too Much Oxygen « Between

The adoption community is up in arms about a new show that premiered on the Oxygen network this week. I’m Having Their Baby is described as a “six-part docu-series that reveals the stor...

Two Women Blogging: Things I Could Do Without, Reality TV Edition ~ by Jay

Let's start with terminology. No woman gives birth to someone else's baby. She may choose to place her baby for adoption, but even after placement (or "transfer", as Oxygen calls it), the baby is still her child. And she's not a "would-be mom". She's a pregnant woman, and after she gives birth, she is a mother. She remains a mother no matter where her child grows up.

What a Day for Adoption Contradictions | Forbidden Family

On one hand, we have the new reality cable TV show “I’m Having THEIR Baby” (OXYGEN premiered Monday July